April 17, 2020

UNAMAS Awarded Best Selections / V.A. [UNAHQ-2021]

Open Liner notes (PDF)


UNAMAS Awarded Best Selections

The album is a collection of gem that consist only of award-winning works of Professional Music Recording Award of Japan ‒ the most prestigious professional musical recording award in Japan ‒ and is a portfolio released by UNAMAS, the music label which has been releasing high quality works since 2007 the early days of Hi-Res surround sound.

The album contains 6 award-winning titles from 2013 to 2019 ‒ won awards 5 years in a row from 2015, and two of which had won the highest award ‒ and puts together three key elements which are Art, Technology, and Engineering. And it is filled with passion delivered by Mick Sawaguchi who contentiously leads the recording art scene. This detailed and full recording will be a milestone in recording art history for the future as a reference to quality music production works.


专辑收录了从2013年到2019年的6张获奖作品---从2015年开始连续5年获奖,其中有两张作品获得过最高奖---将艺术、技术、工程三大要素融合在一起。并且由Mick Sawaguchi充满了激情,在录音艺术领域中,他的演讲充满了激情。这部详细而完整的录音作品,将成为未来录音艺术史上的里程碑式的高品质音乐制作作品的参考。